
img_2053Intentergy is my attempt at saving the world. I know I cannot bring world peace or end all anger and hurting, but I can share positive energy. Positive energy is healthy, necessary, and most of all contagious! If I can help or enhance the life of just one person with my thoughts and Intentergy challenges, I have answered my calling as a human being.

This blog is created with love and consideration. Much of what I know and have experienced is because of my family and friends. I grew up on a dairy farm in Southeast Missouri and am the product of 12 years of Catholic education. Along the way, I earned an Associates degree in Speech and Theatre at Three Rivers Community College in Poplar Bluff, Mo. After working for the wonderful world of Disney as a character performer, I found that God was calling me to be an educator. I earned my bachelor and master’s degrees in education from Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Mo. In my efforts to become a teacher, I worked as a substitute teacher and, as a result of one of my substitute positions, I was secretly matched-up with Greg Peters. That blind date resulted in the greatest love of my life and we were married in June of 2006. Since then we have brought three amazing children into this world and built our dream home.  My husband and I work together to run our farming operation raising cattle, turkeys, and horses.

I have survived breast tumors, uterine tumors, an exploding gall bladder, and 10 years of teaching The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet to 9th graders. I have helped sponsor award-winning high school yearbooks, began a Random Acts of Kindness Club, and hosted numerous technology and curriculum workshops for fellow educators. The last few years I’ve taught as a Communications Instructor at State Technical College of Missouri in Linn, Mo. Now I am farming, raising our family, and creating Intentergy full time. It is with these experiences, I hope to bring insight and enlightening thoughts to those who share my works.

It is my full and honest attempt to pursue a better world because of my Intentergy.

Melanie A. Peters

2019 intentergy

Please feel free to e-mail me anytime at intentergynow@gmail.com.

All posts, images, and stories are the property of Melanie A. Peters and http://www.intentergy.com.

23 thoughts on “About

  1. First off, i’d like to tip my hat off to you for always finding the strength to push forward and never let anything stop you. I also want to commend you on the reasoning for starting your blog. Continue your work! Positivity is great needed in this world.
    I started my blog for similar reasons, you should swing by for a look see.

    Liked by 2 people

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