Red Morning Warning

The adage “Red at night, sailor’s delight. Red in the morning, sailor, take warning,” is one I’ve heard my entire life. Not one to question wives’ tales or adages, I never doubted the ideology behind fearing a red morning sky. After a week of hearing the weather man predict potential storms, I felt a little anxious when I saw the early, rust-colored sky just beyond the clouds.

As the day drew on, rain sprinkled, the wind blew in frequent gusts, and clouds were the dominant residents of the sky. A storm of destruction never arrived, but drizzle and cold made the day dreary. Thinking about the “Red in the morning,” part of the adage, my mind wandered to a friend of mine. This sweet friend was in my thoughts because not too long ago she told our gal pal gang that there were some flags going up in her relationship. She said they weren’t necessarily “red flags,” but definitely had a pink hue. I prayed for her and listened whenever she wanted to talk. As weeks passed, there were times when we felt like my friend and her significant other might work through their rough patches. Two weeks ago, the rough got rougher, and it was obvious the uncertainties were probably not going to go away. The relationship crumbled. I was sad for her, but so very grateful that she had us (the gal pals) to talk things through and provide support. Her emotional storm is still raging because life is just that way, but hopefully, clear skies are headed her way.

If you are in a situation where there are some red morning warnings, consider how you prepare for those cautious circumstances.

While there might not be a hurricane brewing, there could be some hurtful happenings headed your way.

Think about ways you can head off the storm, and talk with the person or maybe step away from the situation that seems to be setting off the sirens in your heart or head.

The best way to weather any storm is to surround yourself with healthy relationships and be equipped with honesty, grace, and resiliency.

I will readily admit that have sometimes ignored those red morning warnings in my own life. I got soaked in tears a time or two and raged with despair, but now I’m older, wiser, and more prepared.

Life is always throwing storms in our path, but we have the power and ability to face those floods with optimism and tenacity. Today, I encourage you to think about the issues brewing on your horizon and establish a game plan for facing those downpours.

You should also be grateful for all those beautiful red night blessings, when life is peaceful and provides something beautiful. (In my opinion, sunsets are so underrated.)

If you are in the midst of tough times, know that you are not alone. Reach out for help and find safety in those who love you and provide trust, strength, and reliability.

If you are a sailor, thank you for this lovely adage and the chance to use it for Intentergy.

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. Does anyone have an umbrella?

Walls or Bridges? – Wise Words Wednesday

As I listen to my children bicker and fight over a kickball game in our basement, I am frustrated by the unkind words they use and the mean way they pick apart one another’s attempts to kick, run, and throw. It hurts me to hear them use such forceful language when it’s supposed to be a fun game.

What I have to remind myself is that their play is a way to learn the basics of the game, how to handle conflict, and ways to work with others while being competitive. Those viscous kickball games are growing opportunities for turning thrown stones into bridges for better play and successful communication in the future. (That doesn’t make their taunting any easier to hear though.)

Unfortunately, my kiddos’ emotional “rock collecting” has not been limited to the jabs and insults of their siblings. My children (like all kids) have come home with hurt in their eyes and frustration in their hearts from things said and done at school and sports practices. Seeing my kids hurt by the words and actions of others is probably the hardest part of being a parent. These challenges have forced me to dig deep into my repertoire of comfort and advice, but also add to the School of Hard Knocks’ curriculum as my children earn their diplomas in adolescence.

“When people throw rocks, you can either build walls or bridges.
Be a bridge builder”
– Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Continue reading “Walls or Bridges? – Wise Words Wednesday”

Bloggers BeLOnG – Upcoming Session November 8, 2021

We have one more Bloggers BeLOnG Session for 2021! Join us! It’s free, fun, and a great way to build your blogging community!

Monday, November 8, 2021 6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. at the Missouri River Regional Library
* Virtual options available

Click Link Below to Register for the November Session

How Do I Get Started… Again?

The last time I posted any Intentergy was August 18th. That post was to announce upcoming Bloggers’ BeLOnG Sessions. Since then, I’ve done two Bloggers BeLOnG and one Blogging for Beginners Sessions, but written absolutely NOTHING. (Today’s post is the equivalent to the typing walk of shame.)

The worst part is that all of the sessions I’ve spoke at have been on blogging. I feel like a huge hypocrite. And a hypocrite is the worst kind of -crite… so I need to get writing again.

The trouble with getting started again is that it’s really hard to know what to do first.

Ideologies range from taking small steps to diving in head first, but I think what most of us need is an option to move somewhere in between a shuffle and a dive.

Do you feel like you are on pause in some aspect of your life?

Do you feel like you need a push to get back to one of your personal goals or just back in the habit of something that makes your life better?

Well, I’m going to take my proverbial first step to get back to blogging today by offering you a push in the direction of getting going again.

In January, I wrote about making vision boards with my gal pals. I’m pretty proud of how well I stuck to the majority of my visions, but some definitely fell by the wayside. (Sadly, my guitar has not gotten the attention is deserves.)

Did you make a vision board or a New Year’s Resolution? It’s probably not too late to visit those resolutions, even if you have to modify them in a more attainable increment for the remainder of this opportunity-filled year.

On a recent night out, my friends were talking about how much they needed to start losing weight because of health issues. Most of the issues were rooted in diet and lack of activity. My friend Erin shared how she worked her way back into getting fit by starting with 5 minutes a day on her elliptical. After one week of running on her elliptical for 5 minutes a day, she increased her time to 6 minutes a day, and then 7 minutes, eventually working her way up to 45 minutes a day. This was the same method I used when I got started with my workouts as well, and it made my heart happy hearing that those kinds of intentions are productive for others. Sharing the process was a good thing, the but the greater part about Erin sharing her story was that we agreed to be cheerleaders for one another. Every time one of us reaches the goal of 5 minutes on the elliptical or one week of working at it everyday, we will be there to celebrate and cheerlead for one another to keep going. Finding a cheer squad for yourself is definitely one way to get back into the swing of things or start making progress.

Continue reading “How Do I Get Started… Again?”