Elusive – I’ll Sleep When I am Dead

Elusive – I’ll Sleep When I am Dead

Nap Apology

Sleep eludes me almost every night. Sleep eludes my children almost every nap time. 🙂

Sleep is elusive.

Our bodies need rest. Our minds need rest. I need rest.

My poor boys do not know how to sleep through the night. I am pretty sure they get their night owl status from my husband and their restless brain syndrome from me. They are doomed.

People ask me all the time how I keep going on such little sleep, I smile and say, “I’ll sleep when I am dead.” We laugh and then I worry that might actually be when I truly am able to find rest.

I have done a lot of research on parenting and sleeping and even more research on how to get my body to be at rest. All of the research suggests limiting caffeine and sugar intake, establish bedtime routines, and avoid stimulating media devices before bed. Tried all of these, but the lack of caffeine may kill me before the lack of sleep.

The bedtime routine seems to make my kids crazier. The second I mention baths, pajamas, or bedtime all hell breaks loose and my sweet angels are hanging from the ceiling fan throwing down remnants of their uneaten suppers. It is hard to find a restful state in this situation.

When I talk to other parents and my pediatrician about getting them to sleep, everyone has advice or ideas. We welcome any and all ideas, but my favorite ones involve my friends taking my kids for the night so I can get some sleep. (For some reason, my kids will sleep anywhere but at home.) The problem with this idea is that when my kids are gone, I still can’t sleep.

What is wrong with me????!!??! Continue reading “Elusive – I’ll Sleep When I am Dead”

Positive Pants – Wise Words Wednesday

Positive Pants – Wise Words Wednesday

Positive Pants Wise Words Wednesday

When we face trouble in our lives we are often told to strap on our boots and wade on into the battle or put on our big girl panties and do what we have to do. In keeping with the theme of dressing for success, I would like to challenge you to put on your positive pants.

Don’t worry about how fashionable your positivity appears or if the fit compliments your curves (at least you have curves.) Let your happiness radiate from your heart. Wear your worry-free outlook on your sleeve and show just how good positivity can look.

If you start your day with the intent to make it a great one, you are much more likely to make that happen. When you say, “This is a good day,” you are more likely to believe it and good things will manifest themselves. Continue reading “Positive Pants – Wise Words Wednesday”

Carefree? When the Angels Let Loose

Carefree? When the Angels Let Loose

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When I was a little girl, we were told that rain was the result of the angels crying. This idea always made me sad because I thought heaven was supposed to be a place where everyone was carefree and happy all the time.

In my innocent mind, the angels just had to be carefree.

As I got older, I started to believe that those angel tears had to be caused by more than sadness.

Those drops fall because the angels feel compassion or understanding for the earth below and know that the world needs to be refreshed or washed of the sorrows mankind has brought on itself.

Angel tears are sent to free us from our cares. They are to remind us that Heaven knows what is going on in our lives and that our hurt and sins can be washed away. Our souls can soak up all we need to live and love. Continue reading “Carefree? When the Angels Let Loose”



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Vegetables shared with us from our aunt and uncle. Potatoes provided by my father-in-law. Bananas and oranges from the grocery store.

We have an aunt and uncle who garden. By garden I don’t mean a few raised beds and a couple of hanging baskets on the front porch. I mean they GARDEN. Each year they plant four or five vegetable gardens.

They start the seeds in February or March in their home and then transplant them into the long, tilled rows of their various produce fields. They grow sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, potatoes, zucchini, squash, peppers, and more. Their bounty flourishes with their generosity towards us.

As the summer months roll along, I often come home to find a pile of zucchini or corn inside the front door. Sometimes there will be a bucket of tomatoes or a bag of cucumbers on the front porch. We are SO blessed that they share their garden goodies with us!

To show our thanks, I often bake them zucchini bread or angel food cake (Uncle loves this.) Sometimes I will take them a turkey dish or just sent a thank you card. This is all they ever allow me to do in the form of payment for the awesome summer treats.

Summertime really does provide a feast for us (thanks to Aunt and Uncle’s labors and kindness).

It doesn’t always take a box of tomatoes or a bag of sweet corn for us to feast on the blessings our loved ones provide for us. People in our lives grace us with tremendous gifts each day. Take time to identify and realize the wonderful ways your life is enhanced because of the actions your friends and family make.

Take time today to thank someone in your life for the blessings they serve you. Say a prayer of thanksgiving for the opportunities provided to you by your parents or friends. Make plans to do something that shows your gratitude for someone you care about.

Put your energy into positively pursuing your intents of gratitude, and you will surely find yourself feasting on love and added blessings.

By: Melanie A. Peters


Taking a Break from a Break

Taking a Break from a Break

Taking a break from a break


On our recent fishing trip, my kids could not wait to get out of the boat and climb the big rocks lining the shore. After a ton of whining and pleading, my husband gave in and pulled close enough for the kids to clamor out and explore.

They were wearing flip-flops and life jackets so climbing was not easy but they LOVED it.

With warnings like “Watch where you step,” “Look out for snakes,” and “Don’t throw rocks,” you would think their spirits would be dampened, but no way. My husband was so excited to fish with the kids and I think it was a little hard for him when they were less interested in catching the big one than they were in the monolithic rocks. I was more concerned with snakes hiding in the rocks, but we have to choose our battles (July Positivity Challenge).

After a bit I calmed down and reminded myself we were on vacation and it was supposed to be relaxing and fun. If the kids wanted to get out and roam over the rocks for a while, it might mean I get to relax while they rest up from their fun. 🙂

Soon they climbed as far as was safe and were ready to jump back in the boat. They had taken their break from our fishing break and were ready to get back at it.

In daily life, I often find myself so absorbed in my to-do list that I forget that it is ok to take a break or that a few extra minutes snuggling or drawing with my kids won’t hurt the unfolded laundry or unwashed dishes. We all need to give ourselves permission to climb and explore a little bit. We might find that it makes us more productive in the long run.

Give your intentions a new direction today. Let that direction lead you where your heart takes you, even if it’s only for a few moments. It will restore your positivity and increase your energy and that is what having Intentergy is all about.

By: Melanie A. Peters


Eye for an Eye – Wise Words Wednesday

Eye for an Eye – Wise Words Wednesday

Eye for an Eye


During Monday’s opening segment on The Talk, Aisha Tyler took a moment to speak to America. She said, “We are just a talk show here. We don’t have all the answers,” and then shared this quote from Mahatma Ghandi. After hearing those words, IAisha Tyler.png thought, “Aisha, you might not have all the answers, but you are off to a darn good start.”

I can’t begin to understand what it is like to live in fear everyday, as  African Americans and police officers do. I can’t begin to understand how people think that killing others is the solution to any problem. I can’t begin to understand how people feel so little love for one another that they do not value the life, liberty, or happiness of others.

What I do understand is that we are all created in God’s image and we are all called to love and honor one another. Stop poking out the proverbial eyes of those that we should love, and live in a world that sees the beauty and value of each individual.

By: Melanie A. Peters



Mama Catches Happiness

Mama Catches Happiness

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After I caught this crappie at Truman Lake, my husband told my kids, “Now Mama is happy.”

I made them take my picture. I was proud of my catch and I wanted my kids to see my pride.

Heavy storms with lots of thunder and lightening blew through two of the three nights we were at the lake. The storm fronts seemed to have scared off the fish because we only caught about 15 fish the entire trip. My contributions to the fishing came in the form of this and one other fish caught, keeping the boys from falling in the water, and having minnows ready to bait my daughter’s hook. I just happened to catch this guy during one of the quieter moments of our excursion. I fished with my youngest son on my lap so he could “catch” one too, but he couldn’t stand the wait so we never snagged one for him.

Fishing with my kids is stressful and scary for me. I am afraid of water.

Water has frightened me since I was a teenager. As a camp counselor, I had to rescue two girls after they tipped over their canoe in a deep and restricted part of the camp lake. A year later I had to provide first aid to a man who sustained a head injury at a local water slide when he flipped off the mat (on which he was supposed to remain seated). People who are not afraid of water get hurt. I am afraid of water.

On our fishing trip, safety precautions were my number one concern. Appropriately fitting life jackets, secured seats, swimming lesson reminders, and safety whistles were all in place.  The waters were calm and my always zen husband sat confidently as he drove the boat. I clutched my youngest son for dear life. Continue reading “Mama Catches Happiness”

Dog on Vacation

Dog on Vacation

Dog on Vacation

Last week we decided to take an impromptu vacation to Truman Lake in Warsaw, Missouri. We have visited this lake in the past, but this would be our first trip with all three kids and the dog.

Taking the kids was not the shocking part of our planning. Taking the dog tested my husband’s bounds of comfort on many levels. He is not a fan of dogs in cars. He is not a fan of dogs licking faces or hands or legs or any other body part. He is adamantly against dogs in the house. Living up to the July Intentergy Positivity Challenge he gave in and allowed us to borrow a travel kennel from friends and bring our fur-baby along.

Bandit was the picture of puppy grace on the trip. He rode happily and quietly in the kids’ laps on the drive to and from the lake. Quickly did his business in the grass and took a nap in the kennel while we stopped to eat. Never once did the dog ask, “How much longer?”  or complain about what food we chose to eat. Not once did Bandit whine about one of the kids touching him or looking at him or breathing the same air he did. Never did we have to deal with him throwing a fit because he was hot, hungry, or tired. Continue reading “Dog on Vacation”

Tune into Peace – Wise Words Wednesday

Tune into Peace – Wise Words Wednesday

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Most people only think of television or the radio when it comes to channels. Way before tv took over our mindscape, channels meant a way to guide or divert things like water or attention.

“Prayer of St. Francis” has long been one of my favorite church hymns but lately it has had a much more powerful meaning. There seems to be so much hurt and hatred in our world caused by the sensitivity we have created amongst ourselves. We need to redirect our emotions and energy toward creating peace.

No two people were made the same. (Thank goodness!) We need to embrace the things that make us different and let go of the things that we believe divide us. This isn’t about race, gender, or religion. It’s about love.

Too many believe that they cannot love or be loved by certain groups. Those kinds of ideas must be derailed and their love and thoughts must be channeled by means of peace.

Please continue to direct your energy and intents to ending unrest and hurt. Bring unity and coexistence to daily routines. Tune out the ideas that only violence and revenge can end the disparities. Let peace be the channel by which we find love for everyone and let injuries find healing through our actions and words.

By: Melanie A. Peters