Adventures with Atticus: Meet Atticus

Atticus 6

Welcome to Adventures with Atticus. Meet Atticus.

Atticus isn’t just any horse. He is the horse I rescued.

Every year tens of thousands of horses are purchased for slaughter. While horse slaughter for human consumption has been illegal in the United States since 2006, and all horse slaughter houses in the U.S. have been closed since 2007, the international market for horse meat and meat products for other animal consumption is still very viable in Mexico and Canada. Horse meat buyers thrive off the low prices owners put on horses that are no longer deemed useful or affordable. The meat purchasers ship those horses across the border to be butchered and sold.

Atticus was a horse who found himself at auction and purchased by a kill pen buyer. Fortunately, he was bought buy an organization whose horses are filtered through the Peabody Kansas Horse Rescue Pen before going to the kill pen. The Peabody Kansas Horse Rescue Pen has a Facebook page where videos are shown of horses that can be saved. Each horse is featured in a video that includes its age, physical attributes, and price (the meat value). The horses are only “safe” at Peabody for a limited amount of time and cannot be saved once the deadline has passed. Atticus almost missed his deadline.

For a LONG time I have watched the videos of horses and ponies on the Peabody site and rejoiced each time one was marked “SAFE.” (Of course, I want to save them all.)

Recently, my family knew we would like another horse we could all ride. Hubby and I had been “shopping” a lot on equestrian sites and had test rode a few horses, but none fit exactly what we were looking for.

Enter Atticus.

Continue reading “Adventures with Atticus: Meet Atticus”

A Worn Smile #writephoto


Some call it character. Others call it poor construction. I call it inevitable. After lifting up the weight of the world since my construction, things are going to start sagging. Edges will soften. Layers will lower.

Have you ever considered what it’s like to be a stepping stone in someone else’s journey every single day?

Have you ever thought about the demoralizing existence that comes from inviting others to walk all over you?

Have you given thought to the loads these stones have allowed to ascend and descend in efforts to keep life moving?

How do you think it feels to bow beneath feet as moss and weeds make their homes in my fractures and blemishes?

Now don’t start thinking I’m as sad as my picture might seem. Those curves in my face, they aren’t sags of sadness. Continue reading “A Worn Smile #writephoto”

At Least You Don’t Have Hobbit Feet and Ears – Wise Words Wednesday

I think I speak for a lot of folks when I say that starting the day as a pandemic-exhausted parent has me feeling like Gandalf facing the legions of Sauron’s forces while also being Frodo seeking the best route up Mount Doom to destroy the Ring. I just want to make the bad stuff go away and bring about peace without too much destruction.

Just as Gandalf, Frodo, and their companions discovered, there are an awful lot of things looming in the way before we can make each day successful. Thankfully J.R.R. Tolkien provided many layers of inspiration for us in The Lord of the Rings series starting with, “There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.” (A totally Intentergy way of thinking.)

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To bring the full Intentergy spirit to this post I want to remind everyone that it’s good to not have just one “precious” person or thing that absorbs all our energy and attention. Keep your loyal and loving companions close. If you get lost, scared, or distracted, there are plenty of ways to turn a new page. 

Continue reading “At Least You Don’t Have Hobbit Feet and Ears – Wise Words Wednesday”

Bloggers BeLOnG is TONIGHT!

Let’s build the blogging community! Join us for Bloggers BeLOnG
July 20th 6:30-7:30 p.m.

This Zoom event is sponsored by the Missouri River Regional Libraryand will be hosted by Melanie A. Peters of It’s free and a terrific chance to build your blogging network and practices.

To register or for more information CLICK HERE.

Tranquility on the Line

Everyone finds peace in different places and ways. They are a lot of folks who find calm in music, art, or creating things. Others are soothed through cooking, dancing, or conversation.

Many find solace in the casting of a line. My oldest son is one of these individuals. Often times he finds it hard to be agreeable or enjoy the experiences provided to him. (Much to the annoyance of Hubby and I.) Every once in a while he just needs to have some tranquility on his line. The casting of his chosen bait or lure into the water and the optimism of potentially catching the perfect fish brings joy and balance to his life.

Continue reading “Tranquility on the Line”

Bloggers BeLOnG – Upcoming Event

Let’s build the blogging community! Join us for Bloggers BeLOnG
July 20th 6:30-7:30 p.m.

This Zoom event is sponsored by the Missouri River Regional Library and will be hosted by Melanie A. Peters of It’s free and a terrific chance to build your blogging network and practices.

To register or for more information CLICK HERE.

Check Your Surroundings – Wise Words Wednesday

Your Surroundings

When it seems the world is completely off kilter and there isn’t anyone or anything that makes you feel like you have anything to offer, the best way to feel worthy is to surround yourself with people who value you.

I’m not sure if it’s my 41st birthday, or the new high energy (a.k.a. hyper-anxious) horse I just acquired, or the stress and chaos of the very-extended time my children have been home due to the Corona virus, but lately I have not felt worthy or successful. I have found myself questioning even my dinner choices and frantic over the potential of planning activities with family and friends. Apparently, my passion for planning has been hindered by the fear of making a wrong choice or exposing everyone to a potentially deadly situation with one penciling in of my calendar or preparation of turkey tortillas.

What I really needed were the wise words of Denzel Washington.
“If you hang around 5 confident people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around with 5 intelligent people, you will be the 6th. If you hang around with 5 millionaires, you will be the 6th. If you hang around with 5 idiots, you will be the 6th.”


Continue reading “Check Your Surroundings – Wise Words Wednesday”