Walking Between the Drops

Walking Between the Drops

Walk between the drops

The ability to walk between rain drops was a mystery explained to me in the 5th grade. Only angels can walk between the drops.

Between the church and elementary school I attended, there was a parking lot. On Tuesday and Friday mornings, all of the school children attended mass. On rainy days we would dash across that parking lot from school to church and back again.

From underneath the overhang of the rectory, Msgr. Huels used to taunt us with, “Only angels can walk between the drops.”

I never understood the meaning behind this jeer, but I knew I really wanted to be able to walk between those rain drops. I was secretly scared of Monsignor. His gravely voice and demeanor intimidated me.

In the spring of my 5th grade year, one of my classmates (who was not afraid) returned Monsignor’s taunt with, “Nobody can walk between the drops!”

I didn’t want to get wet, but I was also too scared to move away from the scene.

The growlly voice of the old priest snapped, “Those rain drops tell me who the little devils are.” Continue reading “Walking Between the Drops”

Life is a Hammock. Rock It! – Wise Words Wednesday

Life is a Hammock. Rock it! – Wise Words Wednesday

Life is a Hammock

Seriously, there is no end to the rocking of my hammock! Everyday I make a list of what I believe is a do-able amount of objectives. Everyday my list outgrows what I can do and I often find myself going to bed at 11:00 p.m. still reeling from the turns my day took.

png 1 Can you relate?

Hammocks are supposed to be relaxing and fun. Life is not relaxing and fun at times.

Often we are faced with choices we did not see coming. The choices that swing us in new directions are meant to teach us something. Life is a hammock. We have to rock it or rock with it.

Last night my son’s team had their first practice. I printed drills and an agenda for the coaches (hubby and buddy J.). I printed copies of the schedule for the team on blue paper (so it would stand out). All the gear was in a tub and sitting in the hallway (so we wouldn’t forget it). Supper was made early. All three kids were dressed in clothes for the ballpark, with socks and shoes on their feet!

Hubby came in 20 minutes before we needed to leave. He needed a shower and wondered if we needed keys for the supply closet at the field. 😦  After a quick phone call, a set of keys was located. All I had to do was go get them….wait a minute… my son couldn’t find his bat. Okay, I would drive to get the keys, while hubby showered and the kids sought out the bat.

I got the keys and returned home. Bat was found. Hubby was showered. Hubby couldn’t find his glove. We were already 2 minutes late to set up for practice. Continue reading “Life is a Hammock. Rock It! – Wise Words Wednesday”

They Zip by too Fast

They Zip by too Fast via Daily Prompt: Zip

Zipping By

I never count down the days until school is out.

A lot of fellow educators and even more students will disagree with this, but let me explain why I never count down the days at the end of the school year.

The days zip by too fast.

png 1 I need my students to know that they are my priority. It needs to be clear that the lesson at hand is the focus. Yes, our objective is to have another year under our belts, but we don’t have to wish our year away.

png 1 I need to keep my focus on the tasks at hand. As an educator grading and instruction need to remain in the forefront of my mind… not what I am going to do with my summer vacation, or how much hay we will bale, or what my kids’ ball schedules are, or how soon my BFF and I can plan our girls’ trip. I must stay focused on the task at hand. The deadlines zip by too fast.

png 1 For my students and children, the time of life that they are in is so important to their development and growth. It zips by way too fast. Childhood and adolescence need to be savored and remembered. Make the lessons we teach count and the activities we do make a positive impact. The time zips by too fast.

While it is important to set goals and make plans, be sure to enjoy the moments that are present. Don’t let opportunities zip past you because you are too eager to get to a certain date. Slow down! Take advantage of what is here and now.

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. I really wish we could set a speed limit on time. It really needs to slow down.


With an Assist from Trisha

With an Assist from Trisha

Assist from Tricia 1

This spring hubby, with help of his buddy J., stepped up to coach our son’s tee-ball team. I inherited the job of secretary, scheduler, and equipment manager.

In struggling through scheduling and what information I needed to share with parents, I also wrestled with what equipment to purchase. After asking around I finalized my list and ordered a good tee-ball tee, 24 tee-balls, a box of band-aids, t-shirts for the team, and three new batting helmets. (We already had one helmet.)

Four helmets seemed like a good start for coach pitch. Helmets are expensive, as far as six year-old baseball gear goes, but six year-old heads are priceless.

I worried. (I worry a lot.) What if we had three runners on, one up to bat, and one on deck? This was clearly going to happen. What was I going to do?  Continue reading “With an Assist from Trisha”

Opportunity to Share

Opportunity to Share

Successful Share

We all like to share what is important to us. There is nothing better than having someone with which we can share.

Recently, I had the opportunity to share Intentergy at our local library. It was my second presentation on “Blogging from a Blogger’s Perspective.”

The coolest element to sharing my Intentergy experience is that I have the chance to ask people what their intent is. What is it that they want to make happen?

Not everyone who has attended my blogging presentation wanted to blog. In fact most wanted to write, share photography, grow an ebusiness, or just start something new. All of those intents are perfect for the Intentergy presentation because it is geared toward providing resources and motivation for people to take action towards their goals. Continue reading “Opportunity to Share”

Putting Us In Our Place – Wise Words Wednesday

Putting Us In Our Place – Wise Words Wednesday

In Our Place

Photo credit: Pinterest

I am a horrible human being…

At least some of the time.

We all are.

Our kids, spouses, siblings, in-laws, and many, many others possess resounding powers to bring out the failure in us.

These failures lead us to dark and unhappy places. It is really tough to be put in these places and even tougher to move past them.

Here is the amazing news… we are not meant to stay in one place.

As human beings we are challenged to grow, move, and change all the time.

While I may want to duct tape my child into a grocery cart at times, most of the time I am more eager to entrap my darling with hugs. Continue reading “Putting Us In Our Place – Wise Words Wednesday”

Tick Stuck – Something Special from My Son

Tick Stuck – Something Special from My Son

Tick Stuck

Upon entering the house Monday after school, my son threw down his backpack, rummaged around for two small pieces of paper, and promptly waved them very closely to my face.

“Mom, look! One of them is really special.”

Here is what was on the two slips of papers:

Slip #1:  A treasure chest full of stickers for making good choices

Slip #2: A note from the school nurse with a tick taped to it; The note stated, “Removed tick from head, sent back to class; tick attached”

png 1 Can you see my conundrum? Which of these slips of paper was the “really special one” in the eyes of my six year old?

In my infinite mommy wisdom, I said, “Wow, buddy, that is so much awesomeness! Which one do you think is more special?”

His reply, “The treasure chest. The tick was just stuck in my head, so the 8th grade teacher helped me get it out, and then they taped it to the paper. Can I go outside?”

Well, there you have it.

My son valued his success in making good choices over a parasite. I am Mom of the Year! Continue reading “Tick Stuck – Something Special from My Son”

Refuse Corruption – Wise Words Wednesday

Refuse Corruption – Wise Words Wednesday

Corruption's Refussal

“Seriously, everyone is doing it.” “No one cares of I do it.” “Really, what will it hurt?” “They are all bad. Do you really think we can change them?” “It’s just on the news. Does it really affect me?”

While these are all fine questions, they are also means for corruption to enter into our lives. Accepting corruption fertilizes its growth and feeds its power. “Refuse to let the world corrupt you.”

The morning news makes me angry. They infuriate me with their story choices.

Why is it so necessary to start our day hearing and seeing violence, destruction, and upheaval among the human race?

I guess it sells ads and gets ratings, but maybe it is corruption’s way of daring us to become complacent or uncaring.

Well, this is your Intentergy double dog dare to not become complacent and uncaring!!!

(This does not mean I let my kids watch the police brutality videos or the clips of the bombing victims in Syria.) 

Here is my challenge for you.

png 1 Do not allow the media to desensitize you.

png 1 Do not allow yourself to think you are above the law or regulations established for the protection of our communities.

png 1 Do not allow corruption to be an accepted part of your daily routine.

png 1 Refuse to turn away from those in need.

png 1 Refuse to let your light of kindness and decency be diminished.

png 1 Refuse to let what others think change who you are or what you believe to be right.

png 1 Be the change that this world needs. Do not let corruption take hold.

png 1 “Refuse to let the world corrupt you.”

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. I believe we all have the power to overcome corruption. We just can’t overcome it all alone. Refuse to let the world corrupt you.





Adventures with my Children…Where did they go?

Adventures with my Children…Where did they go? via Daily Prompt: Blindly

Blind Adventures.jpg

At 2:06 p.m. on Saturday I called my neighbor Lisa.

The call went something like this:

Me: Lisa, are you home?

Lisa: Yes, what’s up?

Me: I can’t find my kids. Did they make it up the creek behind your house? 

Lisa: Oh no. I haven’t seen them.

Me: I have been looking for about half an hour. They don’t answer when I call for them. I can’t even find the dog.

Lisa: Okay, I will go… (phone goes dead)

Me: (insert four letter word that starts with “d”) Continue reading “Adventures with my Children…Where did they go?”

Whatever Blows Your Bubble

Whatever Blows Your Bubble

Whatever Blows Your Bubble

Walking through the home improvement store this morning, my son and I passed two ladies discussing what flowers one of them should plant in her flower bed. When the first lady had made her choice, the second lady commented, “Whatever Blows Your Bubble.”

My son laughed. I was inspired.

Frequently I have heard, “Whatever floats your boat,” or, “Whatever suits your fancy,” but I don’t remember ever hearing, “Whatever Blows Your Bubble.”

It was a gorgeous spring day. I had the privilege of having a “Mommy Day” with my six year old and I accomplished a great many things on my to-do list. My happiness bubble was feeling quite full.

When I was five, I remember learning how to blow a bubble and how the excitement grew as the bubbles got bigger. (I also remember peeling bubble gum out of my hair, but that is for another post.) Blowing bubbles was one of those things the “big kids” did, and, when I could finally blow a bubble, I felt like I was something special. Continue reading “Whatever Blows Your Bubble”