Bloggers BeLOnG – October 19th, 2020

Hello friends in blogging,
Our next Bloggers BeLOnG session is on Monday, October 19th from 6:30p.m – 7:30 p.m. Central Standard Time.

Our first three sessions were very insightful and fun!

If you are not a blogger yet, but would like to give it a try, JOIN us!

To register for this free, virtual session go to

I hope to see you there,
Melanie A. Peters

P.S. If you have any friends interested in blogging or building a website, share this post with them.

Bloggers BeLOnG – Community Development for Bloggers Event

Blogger BeLOnG image

If you are a blogger, have ever considered blogging, or just want to meet some folks from the blogosphere, join us for Bloggers BeLOnG on July 20th 6:30-7:30 p.m.

This Zoom event is sponsored by the Missouri River Regional Library and will be hosted by Melanie A. Peters of It’s free and a terrific chance to build your blogging network and practices.

To register or for more information CLICK HERE.

Bloggers BeLOnG 1

Intentergy Turned 2


On February 14th I celebrated the 2nd Anniversary of Intentergy.

While the last few weeks things have been quiet on the site, my writing has been anything but silent.

My family took a terrific trip that has no fewer than 15 posts in draft. My students continue to provide me with love, learning, and laughter that I promise to share. As always the farm has me on high alert for lessons that can only come from caring for livestock and the land.

To celebrate my 2nd blogging anniversary, I would like to share links to some of my favorite posts from the past.

curve ball (2)Curve Balls – A story inspired by the curve pitch and how to handle the figurative curve balls in our lives.

Zone Defense for Your Attitude – Today, if you find yourself crowded by grumpiness or fouled by foulness of others, put up your positivity defenses.

For the Love of the Game – A post inspired by my father’s practice of watching games without sound. Sometimes the quiet allows us to know what is really going on in life.

Angelfood Cake – A Tradition of Grace – A story inspired by our parish dinner. The angel food cakes I bake are not in my honor but in honor of Miss Grace Jansen.

Not just a pieWhy is it Easy as Pie? Pies are Hard. – Another story inspired by parish picnics reminding us that effort can lead to tasty rewards.

Emergency Room Enlightenment – A visit to our local emergency room helped me to see that it really is a small world and my efforts as a writer were helpful to others.

You Don’t Have to Have It All Figured Out – I really don’t have life figured out. None of us do. This was a reminder that we don’t have to have it all figured out.

The OTHER Serenity Prayer – A tribute to a modified version of my favorite prayer

29 gifts and meMeeting Cami Walker – Taking the 29 Gifts Challenge – After reading 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life, I was inspired to start my blog and have since had the chance to become friends with its author Cami Walker.

Signs of Faith – Visiting the local ambulance district served to provide an very important reminder about those who serve our communities.

No Bull - communicateCommunication is Important – No Bull! A story inspired by the purchase of some Charolais cattle by my husband that led to a breach in the happiness of our home. (Happiness was definitely restored and the cattle are enjoying their role on our farm.)

Overalls and a Pocket Watch –The story of remembering my Grandfather and his special things that left their mark on my heart.Grandpa Frank

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. Intentergy is energy with a positive purpose. I hope you will put energy into being positive today.

P.P.S. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, or shared my blog during the last two years. Your support has made all the difference.


Doin’ a Victory Dance – 1000 Followers


When I began writing Intentergy, it was therapy for me. The more I wrote, the more I wanted to share. The more I shared, the clearer it became to me that I wanted my blog to be something that reached as many people as I could.

Having 1000 subscribers follow my blog is truly a monumental accomplishment in my life.

Thank you to everyone who supports Intentergy and me!

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. I am doing a victory dance over this one.

Versatile Blogger Award – February 2017

Versatile Blogger Award – February 2017


“Life is about being a versatile athlete and training in all realms of life.”  -Ray Lewis

Upon receiving my nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award from The Wandress, author of “wandering in my Genes,” I was exceptionally honored. Her young blog on life and works of literature is sweet, sincere, and uplifting. To be considered “Versatile” by someone who has created such a fluid work of blog art is really a treat for me. Thank you!

The Versatile Blogger Award is an honor that also serves as a pay-it-forward approach to blogging. When this award is given, the recipient is to share 7 facts about his or her self (hopefully enlightening their readers as to why they have been deemed “Versatile”), thank the individual who nominated them, and then nominate 15 other bloggers that are also worthy of the honor.

As for my 7 Versatile Blogger Facts:

  1. I try to write a little every day. It is a proven practice for honing and strengthening one’s writing voice and skill. (I still need A LOT of practice.)
  2. Receiving “likes” and comments on my blog posts is the equivalent to winning the lottery. Anytime I receive a notification that a post has been liked, shared, or commented on, my heart does a happy little cartwheel.
  3. My children always want to be a part of  my blog writing process but sometimes I am leery of including them. While I am comfortable exposing my own thoughts and fears, I am not always comfortable sharing details about my precious children. I guess I am just an overprotective mom.
  4. I have the most amazing collection of friends. They are all so different and lead such varying lives that I feel blessed to be a tie that binds them.
  5. I plan my meals a month at a time. I print a blank calendar at the beginning of each month, look through my pantry and freezer, plan our suppers, and then make my grocery lists from the monthly menu. It is one of my attempts to control the chaos of my life. It also saves money on groceries.
  6. My favorite color is blue. I LOVE the color blue.
  7. I don’t like to wash windows. I will sweep, do dishes, laundry, and vacuum my heart out, but I don’t like to wash windows. I plan to write about this in my spring cleaning posts.


Now to my nominations of other bloggers.

I follow a number of bloggers that I believe are tremendously versatile. Here are a few. Please check out their work.

  1. Meli author of
  2. vinaytheblogger author of
  3. Life in the Leslie Lane
  4. An Epic of Epic Epicness
  5. K. Lamb author of The Gentlemen Project
  6. Whitney Edna ibe author of
  7. Bev author of
  8. Steve Cauley author of
  9. Natalie author of
  10. Dawn Liz Jones author of

By: Melanie A. Peters (2 time Versatile Blogger Award recipient)

P.S. Be sure to award someone with a compliment or statement of gratitude for what they bring to your life.


The Versatile Blogger Award – Yay me!

The Versatile Blogger Award – Yay me!


Thank you to FlyingColours603 for the nomination! Please take time to check out the interesting view points and thought-provoking insights provided by FlyingColours603.

As a recipient of the Versatile Blogger Award, I am to share 7 facts about myself. Seven facts that I am sure are to demonstrate my versatility.

  1. My dream job as a teenager was to become a country music artist. (I still love to sing.)
  2. My favorite foods are fried chicken and chocolate. (Not together of course)
  3. I am the oldest of four girls, while my husband is the oldest of four boys.
  4. Kentucky Wildcat Basketball is my favorite sport to watch. Go Wildcats!
  5. My favorite novel is Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.
  6. My favorite movie is “Gone With the Wind.”
  7. My favorite childhood memory to share is the time when my parents moved to a new house without me. Childhood can be so scary. Don’t worry! They eventually found me and brought me home.



It is also a blogging protocol to spread the wealth and share nominations for blogging awards. I follow many terrific bloggers so it is very difficult for me to select just a few but here they are:


By: Melanie A. Peters (gratefully nominated)