


My children’s idea of the perfect Christmas card photo (evidence of my 3-ring circus)

In response to The Daily Post’s One Word Prompt “Circus,” I chose to write about my own personal 3-ring circus.

Each ring is represented by a very special clown in my life.

The 7 year-old ring is ruled by a beautiful, sweet, smart, and stubborn clown. She loves horses and making crafts and (like her mother) has a hard time with accepting her own mistakes. She is a one-woman-musical as well, always singing and dancing or making her own shows for us to watch.

The 5 year-old strong man in the 2nd ring is constantly playing a sport. From baseball and basketball, to kickball, or hunting, my middle ring is always running, throwing, and diving. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is easily saddened by mistakes or the minor tragedies of daily life (especially a St. Louis Cardinals’ loss).

The sword-brandishing 3 year-old clown in the smallest ring keeps us all smiling. Continue reading “Circus”

first blooms

first blooms

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First blooms on Joseph’s Coat rosebush

These blooms are particularly special to me because they are on my Joseph’s Coat climbing rosebush. Next to this bush stands a statue of St. Joseph (a gift in remembrance of my husband’s Grandpa Joe). When I planted this bush last year, it was nothing but brown branches. By the end of fall it had sprung a few green branches and leaves but showed no sign of bringing forth the multi-colored flowers that I had seen on other Joseph’s Coat bushes.

When these blooms open, they will possess petals of yellow, peach, and pink. They will grow a rainbow in each flower. They are one of the miracles of plant husbandry and science. Now I just have to keep them alive. 🙂

My Joseph’s Coat roses are like so many of life’s situations. We hope and pray that the opportunity to flower will be there, but we have no idea what it will look like when it gets here or how big it will be or how beautiful it will become or how hard it will be to care for. Continue reading “first blooms”

Box Turtle

Box Turtle

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Our racing turtles Elsa (bottom corner) and Fasty Big Guy (top) in their box with lots of strawberry stems, grass, tomato, and tree bark (for decoration).

Each spring our daycare celebrates the letter T by holding turtle races. My children are obsessed with these races. They nearly run me off the road every time a turtle is spied along the roadside with their desperate cries of, “Stop, Mommy, we need that turtle. He looks fast.”

We capture multiple turtles each spring. (We “lose” at least 1 each year because someone forgets to put it back in the box or the decorations added to the turtle’s environment provide a perfect escape route.) Our turtles are always returned to the wild after the races are complete, and I like to think they don’t bear too many emotional scars from the affections of my children.

Capturing and caring for the turtles for a day or so before the race offers plenty of lessons in kindness, compassion, and responsibility for my kiddos. They also have a chance to learn about nature and how our choices impact the environments of animals like the turtles. They are very aware and show tremendous consideration for how the turtles feel and towards their return to their natural environment.

Often I feel like one of those box turtles. My surroundings are commandeered  by something bigger than myself and I have little or no control of what is going on in my world. Sometimes the box seems way too small for me and other times I am not sure which way is up.

I really, really wish I could have a shell to hide in sometimes too.

Here is the happy part of my box turtle metaphor. I am controlled by someone bigger than myself. Someone who has an infinite understanding of what I am going through and a clear vision of what I am meant to do with my life. He knows what is best for me and will guide me to the ultimate finish line. If I continue to plod along, doing the best I can, I will get where I need to be and accomplish what I am meant to do. My world has been designed with a greater good in mind and provides me with limitless possibilities to live up to my potential.

So my message for all my fellow turtles out there is keep going. Don’t let the smallness of a situation hold you back. Look for those decorative escape routes (like the tree bark in the photo above 🙂 ) or remain steadfast for opportunities that are coming your way. Don’t spend too much time in your shell, you might miss all the world has to offer.

It’s a big box out there, little turtle!

By: Melanie A. Peters




Prayer Bridge – Wise Words Wendesday

Prayer Bridge – Wise Words Wednesday

Prayer BridgeConversations with God come in many forms. Some are in the form of thanksgiving and gratitude. Others stem from sorrow or sickness. Most prayers come in times of desperation.

If you find yourself in desperate need of God’s intervention, by all means call on His infinite power and grace. Seek His assistance and guidance. Know that He is capable of healing all that hurts you.

Build those bridges out of need, trust and, hope, but also create pathways of praise and thanks. The more you connect with God, the less you will find yourself in those frantic fits.

If you open up your life to God, the road will not always be smooth, but it will be easier to redirect yourself to His grace and help.

Build those bridges with intent and energy, and you will find that the purpose for your communication with God refreshes and restores you more often than it rescues you.

By: Melanie A. Peters

A Daily Sign

A Daily Sign

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A few years ago my very good friend Erica gave me a sign that would provide what I needed to get going each day. I LOVE this sign!

Most of the time the sign simply stands on my dresser as decoration but there are days when I stop and rearrange the tags based on the challenges that my day holds. Sometimes I select the tags based on what I believe will help my husband through his day. Other times my children enjoy adding the tags they think we need.

There is something novel about the idea of giving yourself what you need for the day. As the sign reads, “Take what you need today,” I think it would be helpful if we each started our daily journey with the emotional tags we might need.

I know not everyone can have a cool tag sign like mine, but everyone can start each morning or job by taking a moment and in your heart and mind prepare yourself with courage, care, creativity, strength, patience, peace, or whatever virtue you need.  Continue reading “A Daily Sign”

Mayella Ewell’s Red Flowers

Mayella Ewell’s Red Flowers

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Caring for my flower beds and potted plants today, I couldn’t help but reminisce sadly as I pruned the plants on my porch. They are a vivid red and reminded me of the red flowers cared for by Mayella Ewell in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.

The red flowers in the novel were the only beautiful things in Mayella Ewell’s life.

Mayella Ewell was the poor, ignorant girl who falsely accused Tom Robinson of taking advantage of her. Her accusation came after she tried to reach out to Tom for affection, but was politely rejected. Her rejection was especially painful because her abusive father discovered the two at just the wrong moment, and after Tom fled the scene, Bob Ewell gave Mayella a vicious beating.

Those flowers were essential to Harper Lee’s characterization of the tragic girl. When asked if Tom had any previous interactions with the girl, Tom told of times that he helped her chop fire wood or do small tasks around their home. He recollected seeing her water and care for the red flowers. They were the one bright spot in the Ewell’s dirt-swept front yard, just as Tom’s visits were probably the one bright spot in Mayella’s day. Continue reading “Mayella Ewell’s Red Flowers”

“I understand” – Powerful!

“I understand” – Powerful!

I understand

Hearing the words “I understand” from my child’s principal was so comforting to me. She has no clue how much power she shared in those two words.

After being nominated to serve on next year’s school board, I had to call her and graciously say, “Thank you, but not at this time.” I simply could not in good conscience accept the position.

I am suffering from a major case of too-much-to-do on top of a sever lack of I-don’t-know-what-is-coming-next, and taking on this new duty would not be fair to the school or me.

Volunteering is something I am good at and enjoy very much, but I just had to say no to someone who I really admire and don’t want to let down.

Her empathy was the cure to the ailing guilt that had been plaguing me. As a teacher, mother, and wife, she related to where I was coming from and assured me that she understood. Continue reading ““I understand” – Powerful!”

Red Pen Trophy Wall

Red Pen Trophy Wall

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In 2015 I began my red pen trophy wall. This display was inspired by the trophies my husband accumulated over the years from hunting trips. My students always seemed to have more interest in what he was killing than what I was teaching so as each new pen bit the dust, I began my trophy wall.

The wall developed greater meaning when I applied the infamous words of Kathy Rolwes (fellow teacher and lover of the written word), “Ink is love.”

Kathy always tells her students, “Ink is love,” when returning graded work. Her critiques and feedback are loaded with insight, beneficial advice, and love (of course). Her affections are well demonstrated by the inky sacrifices made by her pens.

This school year I added an additional tradition to the retirement of tragic grading pens. I invited each student, who wrote a deadly paper, to give a eulogy for the pen who gave its life to evaluate them. Once this tradition began, Continue reading “Red Pen Trophy Wall”

White Puffy Cloud Days

White Puffy Cloud Days

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There are so many beautiful days in the year. Days when the sky is the perfect shade of blue and scattered with white puffy clouds. I remember my high school English teacher talking about white puffy clouds days and about how we should be outside to celebrate them. I always wondered why we didn’t.

As a teacher and a mom, I find myself trapped inside too often on those glorious days. I have been known to say, “Ok kids, we are going on a field trip” or “It’s a white puffy cloud day and we need to write about it” and out we go. This is not popular with all the other teachers or students in my school, but it will be ok.

With my own kiddos at home, I try so hard to take walks or play ball or swing on the swings on these white puffy cloud days. Clearly the day was made for play and taking time to move lazily (like those big ol’ clouds).

If you find yourself looking out at a white puffy cloud day, find a way to be a part of that day. Take a walk on your lunch break. Assign a writing assignment or short outdoor lab for your class. Go on a nature hunt with your kids. Hold hands on the back porch with your sweetie.

Be a part of the white puffy cloud movement!

The white puffy clouds were made to be a part of your world so be with them.

By: Melanie A. Peters


Blogger Recognition Award

Blogger Recognition Award

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Thank you to Chloe, the Quirky Victorian at (Over) Analysing Literature for nominating me. Your writing is amazing and I am honored that you considered me worthy of this recognition!


  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two advice to new bloggers
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to
  1. Why I started Intentergy
    I had toyed with the idea of blogging for quite some time.
    I am always writing down ideas and am frequently asked by my colleagues and students to write down the things that come out of my mouth. I had gone so far as to play with blog templates and kept a journal of ideas for “someday,” when my cousin said to me one day, “You know what you should do? Write a blog. A blog about inspiration. I could just get up and get on my smartphone every morning and there would be a positive quote or story from you. That should be your job.” So I played with the idea a little bit more and in my musings I accidentally hit “Publish” instead of “Preview” and the rest as they say is history. I am not one to back down from a challenge, so I took to sharing on the blogosphere daily.
  2. First Advice for New Bloggers
    Do your homework. I read a number of books including, Born to Blog by Mark W. Schaefer and Stanford A. Smith and The Weblog Handbook by Rebecca Blood. These books provided tremendous insight into the world of blogging and introduced me to things I never would have thought of because I had never blogged before. Books were a great tool but reading and commenting on other blogs has been the best help. The more blogs you see and the more advice you get from experienced bloggers the better off you will be.
  3. Second Advice for New Bloggers
    Don’t be afraid to talk about your blog. Tell everyone you can about your writing and your site. This kind of publicity shows enthusiasm for your work and will spark interest from those who care about you or share the same interests as you. Interact with other bloggers. Invite them to see your blog and give feedback in their discussions. This will generate more traffic for your blog and help you find followers and others who are vocal about what you are sharing.
  4. Thank you so much QuirkyVictorian! I always enjoy your blog and am excited that you like mine as well! Check out her blog, people!!!
  5. 15 Bloggers that should also be recognized

By: Melanie A. Peters