They Are Called Bygones For a Reason


They Are Called Bygones For a Reason

png 1 Bye + Gone = Bygone

png 1 Good + Bye = Goodbye

Just as “bygone” is a compound word, worry and guilt compound when we fail to leave them behind.

Two years ago we had one of the wettest springs I can recall. There were terrible storms. During one of the storms, lightening struck one of our cows. She happened to be the one my hubby told our kiddos was his “favorite.” After torrential rains fell for a few days, the creek got out of its banks and washed away the “favorite” cow. We know it washed her away because multiple people called to say they saw here swiftly floating down the creek. It was not a happy situation.

My kids still remember that “favorite” cow every time the creek runs high. They say, “Daddy, do you remember when your favorite cow died?” and he always responds with, “Yes, I remember when my favorite cow died.”

They just can’t let go of that poor cow.

Bygones are like that cow. Continue reading “They Are Called Bygones For a Reason”

Ice Cream for Breakfast

It’s my birthday and I can Reblog if I want to! Be sure to think about your own special traditions today. 🙂


Ice Cream for Breakfast – Happy Birthday to ME!

Ice Cream For Breakfast.jpg

It was my birthday and my kids and I added ice cream to our breakfast menu. They were so tickled at the idea of eating something so bad for breakfast. (I am usually “mean mom” and make them eat fruit, eggs, or cereal for our morning meal.)

Since my daughter’s first birthday, we have celebrated birthdays with a breakfast cupcake. Due to the fact that I am the only one who is old enough to bake cupcakes (and I didn’t get any baked the day before), ice cream was definitely the next best option for my special day.

Upholding the breakfast treat tradition is important to my kids and I. Upholding any tradition that adds special emphasis to life events is always important to uphold.

Think about a tradition you celebrate with your family and friends that is unique to you…

View original post 76 more words

Focused Energy…Where Does It Go?

Where Focus Goes

I would love to blame my inability to successfully focus on the phases of the moon, or my kids’ schedules, or the incurability of freckles but the reality is that I have failed to give myself focus and therefore my energy has gone spastic this summer, but I’m working on it.

png 1 Spastic energy results in ineffective effort.

png 1 Ineffective effort results in failure on epic levels.

What is wrong with me????

png 1 Nothing. Continue reading “Focused Energy…Where Does It Go?”

Vacation Food is…better


Sunny Salmon and Aspargus Salad

Sunny Salmon and Asparagus Salad from Bahama Bistro in Osage Beach, Missouri

I LOVE food. My BFF loves food. We always love food, but on vacation…food is just better.

The beauty of vacation eating is that it is usually:

a. fresh

b. made by someone else

c. free of dish washing duty

d. something you don’t usually get to eat

As we embarked on our annual girls retreat, my BFF and I savored the menu planning portion. (Did I mention we love food?)

Our dining plans included two new recipes (guacamole and brushetta), picking up fresh eats from the local deli, and taking in the tastes of local restaurants.

Most of our snack and meal choices were healthy, but we made sure to pick up the necessary sweets to add to the vacation’s taste value. Continue reading “Vacation Food is…better”

Hot Girls Read and Other Boutique Lessons

Hot Girls Read

If it’s printed on a pencil case it has to be true.

Hot Girls Read!

On a recent trip with my BFF, I found this awesome pencil case. I also discovered some positive lessons from the boutiques and gift shops we visited.

  1. Hot Girls Read…I am a girl and I read, THEREFORE I am hot. (Because you read, you are hot too.) Seriously, if it’s on a pencil case, it HAS to be true.
  2. Everything has the potential to be “darling” or “gorgeous,” if you are in a shop with cute little, old ladies or a very excited, boutique sales clerk.
  3. People will put anything on a sign and sell it. One of the signs I read said, “I HATE stupid signs.” (I kind of wanted that sign.)
  4. Potpourri and scented oil stuff is EVERYWHERE! (My nose hurt after visiting all those shops) The positive here is that some of those scents have hilarious names. Poo Pourri had some of my favorite.
  5. Sometimes it’s nice to hear you are “darling” or “gorgeous” from little, old ladies and excited sales clerks. We all want to be “gorgeous” sometimes.
  6. “Darling” and “gorgeous” can be really expensive, but it feels great to find a sale and pick up a little “gorgeous” for yourself.
  7. People-watching is the best in small spaces. Seeing people try to check out prices on the sly or hold up something they would NEVER wear (but trying to do it with out anyone looking) makes for some great entertainment.
  8. I can always find something that makes my BFF cringe. The gift shops provide a tremendous selection of items she finds repulsive or obnoxious. (Love ya, BFF!) I am positive we make for some pretty funny people-watching ourselves.
  9. Daily Sign

    One of my all-time favorite birthday gifts from my BFF

    They are called “gift shops” for a reason. You can find the BEST presents in the little shops and boutiques. In fact one of my all-time favorite birthday gifts came from the Yankee Peddler, one of the shops we visited.

  10. Small businesses really do appreciate your business. As we made our way through the area, many of the shops we have visited in the past were now closed. Small businesses are the heart and soul of those that run them and their communities. The service and courtesy shown in the shops we did visit was so nice. The clerks and owners were genuinely interested in what we were looking for and sincere in their thanks when we purchased something. Support small businesses. It can make a big difference.

Continue reading “Hot Girls Read and Other Boutique Lessons”

Don’t Keep All Summer in a Day

All Summer in a Day.jpg

Ray Bradbury’s short story “All Summer in a Day” takes place on Venus and at a school where the children eagerly await the one day that summer will occur. On Venus summer comes once every seven years for just a matter of hours. The rest of the time the weather is stormy, windy, and overcast. This day is especially important to young Margot. Margot’s family moved from Earth and are considering the costly and arduous process of returning to the third planet from the sun for fear of losing their daughter to heartbreak. Margot is small, pale, and all too lonely. ‘She was an old photograph dusted from an album, whitenedaway, and if she spoke at all her voice would be a ghost.” The school children tease and ostracize her for her homesickness and taunt her about the only artwork she creates, pictures of life back on Earth. (The other children have no memories of what life is like on Earth.)

As the time nears to go outside and enjoy the rare sunshine, plants, and warmth, the children think it funny to lock Margot in the closet. They do not intend to leave her there but forget the grief-stricken girl as soon as the first rays of sun appear. Continue reading “Don’t Keep All Summer in a Day”

Humor Wins Every Time – Wise Words Wednesday

Humor Wins Every Time

The ability to laugh is so simple yet so powerful. “Every time you are able to find humor in a difficult situation, you win.”

Sunday I found myself battling a terrible stomach ache at the end of a fun day at the parish picnic. As we drove home, I advised my husband to take the county road home; I was not feeling well. Per my prediction, we did not make it home before I got sick. We had to stop twice in a very short stretch of the road so I could get out to puke.

Upon entering the car the second time, my youngest son was crying. “Does your tummy hurt?” my husband asked him.

“No, I didn’t get to see mommy throw up.” was his angry and pitiful reply.

All I could do was laugh.

My laughter seemed to calm him and led to giggles from my husband and other two kiddos. We rode silently home the rest of the way, except when my husband checked to see if I was okay.

My tummy definitely didn’t win that day, but humor did. In being able to laugh, I showed my kiddos I would be okay and that we don’t need to get upset about little things (like mommy puking). 🙂

While I don’t encourage laughing at sick people, I do encourage you to find the humor in the rough spots of your day. Who knows the laughter you bring to a tough situation may be the catalyst for change. Your joy may be the one thing that was needed to get past a sticky situation or a downward slide. Humor wins every time.

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. The picnic didn’t make me sick. It was just a virus.



For Love of the Game (and yourself), Turn Off the Volume

turn off the volume 1via Daily Prompt: Volume

When my dad watches baseball, basketball, or football, he turns off the volume. It drives my mom crazy. My husband finds it odd. My kids make up for the lack of noise.

Dad really enjoys watching sports. Other than John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies, sports (and the weather) are all he watches. People will often ask him why there is no sound on the game. Dad’s usual reply has to do with the absurdity of the commentary announcers, but I know that Dad really just doesn’t need the volume to understand the game.

turn off the volume 2He loves the game for the strategy and the athleticism. He just wants to see how the players solve defensive problems or convert teamwork into points. He doesn’t want to hear about how the guy on defense bought his girlfriend a dog and it ate his playbook or who the announcers think is a better prospect for a trade. Dad simply wants to watch the game.

I think there is escape in turning off the volume too. When there are no play-by-play commentaries coming at the viewer, it is necessary to really pay attention to what is happening in the game and everything else is turned off. The focus is solely on the field or court and not on the craziness outside the game.

Continue reading “For Love of the Game (and yourself), Turn Off the Volume” – My Newest Obsession is a home for book reviews, book recommendations, book lists, book clubs, and author bios and I am now obsessed with it.

If you already enjoy Goodreads, you might find humor in my newness or appreciation for the joy the site has brought to me. Please comment about any features you like or dislike on Goodreads. I had read about Goodreads from a number of other bloggers’ sites, but until our local librarian recommended it to me recently, I had not given it much consideration.

I checked out the site on Thursday and Friday created my account. Now I can’t stop reading reviews, searching for books that I have read or want to read, and am so enthralled by the give-aways, book clubs, and Goodreads blog that I am having trouble concentrating on what I wanted to type here.

goodreads addiction 6There are  many features to this site that I find beneficial. I love how the genres are organized. The search options are everywhere. I can even automatically search for the books I get from Amazon.

Good Read Addiction 2One of the best features for me is the ability to make a “Book Shelf.” I created a Book Shelf for the book club I sponsor at my kids’ school. I was able to find all of the book on the Mark Twain Reading list and add them. This will allow me to rate and review the books as soon as I read them. I can refer students and parents to this list and the sharing grows from there. Now I just have to get my hands on all those books. 🙂

I had the local library’s website open in split screen yesterday so I could start requesting some of the books that intrigued me from the Goodreads site. There is a way to find your local libraries and their catalogs through Goodreads and request your books. (I may wear out that Request button.) I still have to set the library request feature up on my account; searching for books and authors has prevented me from dedicating enough time to it. 

Goodreads is on Twitter (of course) and I have really enjoyed the prompt posts they have published and found some very positive reviewers and followers in the Goodreads’ throngs. Continue reading “ – My Newest Obsession”