While Thunder is the Voice of the Storm…

Walk between the drops

As I lay listening to rumbles of thunder this morning, I could not help but think of a conversation I had with my good friend Emily. We were discussing my writing and how I just hadn’t put much out lately on my site. I just haven’t felt that my messages carried enough weight, as if my words weren’t impactful enough.

With each roll of thunder, I remembered what Emily said to me, “Even if you only put out one sentence a day, there is someone who is feeling the same as you or who can relate to your words. You are their voice when they maybe can’t say it for themselves.” Continue reading “While Thunder is the Voice of the Storm…”

The Storm Will Pass – Wise Words Wednesday


You Cant Calm the Storm

When I think of keeping calm, I always remember the Friends episode where Monica gets all twirly because of her parents’ upcoming visit. With frantic pillow fluffing and excessive dusting, Monica scrambles to make the apartment “perfect.” Of course it will never be “perfect” according to her mother. Monica should not have wasted worry on the impending storm of her mother’s scrutiny, but rather saved her energy for riding out the blasts of criticism and then felt the blissful relief of seeing her mother go back to Long Island.

Just as Monica worked herself into a tizzy over the visit of her parents, my daughter got all twirly on us last week. We were preparing for our annual Memorial Day bar-b-que. My daughter inherited my worrying gene and did not sleep much the night before because she could not stop fretting over the details of the event. By “details” I mean she was worried about the kids fighting over shovels in the new pea-gravel we added around the swing set. Fighting over shovels was just too much for my sweet girl to bear at the first party of summer. In spite of our frequent reminders to just enjoy the day, she was consumed with worry over the rumblings of potential fights. Fortunately, most of the kids did not even pay attention to the shovels, and, once her friends arrived, my twirly girl left her thundering thoughts behind. Continue reading “The Storm Will Pass – Wise Words Wednesday”

Pop Up Showers

Pop Up Showers

Behind the Clouds.jpg

As I drove home today, it was obvious that rain was making its way to us. When the rain came, it fell hard and fast, making it difficult to drive. I slowed down, turned up the wiper speed, turned down the radio, and kept moving forward.

As my garage door closed behind me, I gave thanks for safety and shelter. After carrying in all my bags from the car, I noticed the rain had stopped and the sun was peaking through. I love the weather!

That pop up shower was a lot like our daily encounters. Sometimes a storm of trouble will come out of nowhere, but we hunker down and work through it. Other times we see it coming and can do nothing until is rains down on us. Those downpours strengthen us and actually refresh us for what life has in store.

Today I hope you do not experience too many unexpected whirlwinds or dampened plans. If you do find yourself facing a storm of sorrow or tribulation, stay strong. Slow down. Focus on moving forward. Turn down the distractions. Turn up the decision-making tools that will allow you to see clearly. Listen for the peace that follows the thunder and rain and know that you are a survivor.

By: Melanie A. Peters