The Made-Up Truth

There are A LOT of things to remember when we leave the house each day. On a recent morning full of to-do’s, I successfully remembered: the outgoing mail, bank deposits, recycling to take to Recycling Center, a library book to return, the grocery list, car keys, coffee, purse, my mask, and to-do list.

At three of my five stops, people asked how I was feeling. While their concern seemed to be genuine, I had to wonder what about me made them worried for my health.

It was not until I pulled into my garage and looked in my rearview mirror that I realized the cause of their concern. I discovered that in my determination to be prepared for a morning of errands I forgot to put on make-up and my hair may or may not have been a little crazier than usual. Ooops!

This discovery inspired me to ask, “Am I myself without mascara or am I really the person others have become accustomed to?” (Rarely I do leave my bedroom, much less the house, without wearing mascara.) It is pretty scary to think about my pale, light-eyed self as being normal. But is mascara what perpetuates my made-up truth?

Most of my co-workers do not care if I wear make-up daily.

When I fail to put on mascara, my family usually asks if I am tired.

I assume this is because I look lifeless without it.

But do I need make-up to be the real me? Am I doomed to a fate of being perpetually viewed as ill if I do not keep up the practice of painting my eyes and lips?

Made-up and Masked

Perhaps, if I had remembered to apply mascara before donning my mask, I would have presented a less worrisome figure, but I didn’t. I guess I’ll just have to hope the truth will resound from this post.

After giving it some thoughtful reflection, I decided that the answer is, “Yes.”

Yes, I am the true me with make-up and without.

Yes, I am probably doomed to pale-faced pitifulness forever. (And that’s okay.)

Yes, I am truly me no matter what’s on my eyes or cheeks.

Here are reasons for the multiple “Yes” responses.

  1. If I have it on, I never claim to be without make-up. There’s no sense in claiming the unnatural as my truth.
  2. If I’ve taken the time to make myself presentable with cosmetics, I clearly have given the situation or event consideration and value the opportunity. I always appreciate chances to be with others and an active part of their lives.
  3. Eye shadow, foundation, mascara, and blush are simply decorations for the face God gave me. No, they are not my natural appearance, but they do allow me to present myself in hues of hopefully coordinated and pleasing accents.

The truth of anyone’s appearance lies in the knowledge that no matter the amount of styling done or products used we can all be true to ourselves in our words and actions. Taking time to care for and make our appearance pleasant does not make us fake. Likewise, failure to add color or accents to our complexion is not a reflection of poor health. Some of us are just that pale.

As you go about your business, consider what causes your truth to be made-up or how your efforts make the truth more beautiful. It’s only when we seek to create a more beautiful and accepting world that we don’t need the cosmetics, stylish clothes, and accessories. Our truth will hopefully some day be made up of what is good, natural, and honest as we put our intents and energy into viewing one another with honest appreciation.

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. How do you feel about the made-up truth?

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