I Do Exist


While I haven’t posted in the last month and a half, I do still exist.

Life has just been offering more experiences and adventures than time to write about them.

Please be reassured that I am gearing up for some super positive posts and recharging my blog focus for some fun story sharing.

Life has provided some terrific lessons through traveling on a dream vacation, teaching some tremendous individuals, coaching some squirrels (also known as 8 year-olds), reading some mind-blowing books, and innumerable expressions of faith through #HopeforHayden and the Lenten season.

Friends, I hope you have all been experiencing growth and new beginnings this spring, but just as I have felt the crunch of summer careening our way, I am certain you have all felt your own springtime stressors. Please remember to be kind to yourselves and those you encounter. We can’t pour from our own empty cup and we never know what troubles are taking their toll on the person next to us.

May some positivity pop up in your day and may the lessons blooming in your world bring peace, joy, and strength.

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. If anyone is interested in helping grade a few research papers, shoot me a message.

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