Pouring From an Empty Cup…

two clear drinking glasses on table

Photo by Andreea Ch on Pexels.com

The last post that I fully drafted and shared on Intentegy was on February 28th. That was 110 days ago. So for almost a third of this year, I have not shared my Intentergy on this site. (YIKES!)

That’s okay because it’s never healthy to pour from an empty cup.

Each day life has a way of filling us up and draining all we have in one foul swoop. My days, while not all foul, definitely took a lot out of me.

This spring I witnessed, worked through, and experienced many powerful things and survived a number of challenges. Through all of the moments, minutes, hours, and weeks of existing, I continued to gather inspiration for writing, but failed to scrape together time to write.

For my absence I apologize. What I won’t apologize for is saying “No” to writing during this time. My cup was just too empty to eek out a weak post. As a reader, your time is too valuable for me to do that.

In the last three months I have dined with the good Dr. Deeken, watched a brave, little boy face cancer; coached and parented; visited the beaches of Hawaii and the sites of New York City; taught (or tried to teach) my students; and worked the work of a farm wife. I have keep a mental journal of all the things I want to share with my readers. Hopefully, my upcoming posts will reflect the joy I have found in keeping my positive purpose preserved by not over committing to my blog.

To those who have stuck with my work, THANK YOU! Your support is immeasurably appreciated.

To those who have not read my blog before and are joining us now. Ignore the whole “I’ve been gone thing,” and WELCOME. I hope you find some great ways to add positive energy into your life through Intentergy (Energy with Positive Purpose).

If there is anything special you would like for me to write about, please feel free to comment or email your ideas.

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. “My cup runneth over.” (Psalms 23:5)
I always like to tell people I used to pray for God to send me a barrel because my cup was always running over. Now I am pretty sure I would like to petition for a shot glass instead.



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