There’s Always Something – Monthly Positivity Challenge

always something

Shelly’s kitchen sign

Seriously, there’s always something!

Something to complain about.

Something to forget.

Something to be done.

Something to be grateful for.

My sister-in-law Shelly has a sign on her kitchen wall that says,
“There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.” 

I have always really liked that sign.

always something 3I recently received a stamp set for card making and in that set was a very similar expression. It was a welcome surprise, as I had already decided Shelly’s sign would be my inspiration this month.
(It seems this message was calling me.)

“There is always something to be thankful for.”

always something 2

My own post-it note…so I wouldn’t forget what I had read.

I know right now everyone is working on New Year’s resolutions or resolving to not make a resolution.

As you make your resolutions, consider taking time this year to write or say the things for which you are grateful.

Or for those of you avoiding New Year’s resolutions, it is always a good idea to show gratitude for the blessings in life.

“There is always something to be thankful for.”

Not too long ago on Facebook, I saw an image of a post-it note. On that post-it note, it said, “What if… today you woke up with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?”

Shoot! I’d be out of A LOT of stuff! 

How about you? Would you still have everything and everyone you hold dear tomorrow if you lost the things you had failed to be thankful for today?

For this month’s positivity challenge, try dedicating a daily moment to express appreciation for all those you love and all that you possess. Those seconds of saying thank you might result in greater reasons for gratitude in the future.

By: Melanie A. Peters

P.S. New Year’s resolutions are not for the faint of heart. Stay strong, if you made a resolution. I am grateful for your choice to bring about change.

P.P.S If you did not make a resolution, be thankful that you did not fail that resolution today.

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